Site notice

Site notice, disclosure according to § 5 ECG: BHF Briefer Hülle Frohner Gaudernak Rechtsanwälte OG 1060 Vienna, Gumpendorfer Straße 83-85/Haus 5/Top 4, +43 (1) 343 95 94, +43 (1) 343 95 94 – 50 (Fax), office(at)bhf(dot)at, FN 439610k, ADVM code: P111901, DVR: 4014686. We are members of the Vienna Bar Association (1010 Vienna, Rotenturmstrasse 5), the Lawyers’ Act (RAO), the Guidelines for Practicing the Lawyer’s Profession (RL-BA), the Disciplinary Statute for Lawyers and Associates (DSt), the Lawyers’ Tariff Act (RATG), the Autonomous Fee Criteria (AHK) and the Framework Arbitration and Arbitration Rules. The currently applicable professional regulations are published on the website of the Austrian Bar Association (ÖRAK):