We have found that parties involved in family law conflicts have a great interest in finding an out-of-court solution and thus shaping their own future.
The model of mediation as a structured, voluntary process for the constructive resolution of a conflict, in which independent third parties professionally accompany the parties, has proven particularly effective in working out solutions that are sustainable, correspond to the ideas of the parties and meet their needs.
Based on our many years of experience as party representatives, we are well aware that, for a wide variety of reasons, not every conflict can be resolved through mediation. On the other hand we have observed that in numerous cases mediation should have been preferred to court proceedings. Be it for the reason that not all issues relevant to the parties can be heard in court, be it for financial reasons or to reduce the burden on all family members as much as possible. The children, in particular, suffer greatly from their parents’ hardened legal correspondence and contentious court cases, and no effort should be left unexplored to spare them such.
It is therefore with great pleasure that we have completed our training to become mediators and are happy to offer this form of professional conflict management within the framework of our law firm.
Especially in connection with a divorce or the dissolution of a registered partnership, in addition to maintenance and property law issues, the interests of common children often have to be settled. Also property rights claims and common children often play a major role when partners separate. Understandably, these very different issues are closely linked for the parties, but in the event of a dispute, each of the above points would have to be asserted separately and more or less expensively in court. It therefore makes all the more sense to discuss all the points to be settled within the framework of mediation and to achieve an overall solution that is tailored to the needs of the parties. The fact that such needs (e.g. in connection with the design of care arrangements for common children) can change over time can also be taken into account in the context of mediation by evaluating contact arrangements or trying out care models before a binding agreement is reached. In this way, solutions are found that work in everyday life and at the same time avoid future controversial procedures.
In our law firm, Barbara Briefer, Brigitta Hülle and Oliver Frohner work as mediators in family law.
We offer mediations both as individual mediatiors but also with two mediators, which has proven particularly useful in family conflicts. This way of working enables a better design of the process and ensures a good overview of the often complex conflict, which in turn increases the chances of reaching a lasting agreement.
The costs for a unit of mediation lasting 45 minutes are EUR 150. If two mediators are involved, the costs total EUR 220.00 per unit, each including VAT. For the implementation of the results of the mediation, for example in the form of an agreement on the consequences of divorce, we agree on a flat rate in individual cases, the amount of which depends on the complexity of the respective contens of the regulation.